To inhabit joy...
means joy is an internal habit.
You CAN choose, to live a joyful life regardless of your circumstances or experiences. Joy is internal and eternal, don't wait for an external source to bring you joy, turn inward to uncover the joyful being you already are!

Be Well, Be Happy
Find ways to improve health and well being in Michelle’s blogs:
Look, Your Perfection is Showing!
If I ask you to bring to mind your worst critic, that person in the office, or in your family, who just never thinks anything you do is good enough, and they aren’t afraid to tell you, who would it be? Insert name here: If you came up with a name of a co-worker or […]
How to regain energy, vitality, and joy? Answers here: look Inward…
Does life seem difficult right now? You may feel depleted, heavy, and overtired. Do normal activities just feel challenging? Feeling depleted is not normal, and you don’t have to settle for feeling down or tired all of the time. You have the power to live in vital health and well-being, it just takes one thing: […]
What the **** do I do now? Calm Down! Here’s how:
Did the political and world news get you even more off-balance this week? Are you feeling uncentered, uncertain, frustrated, and overwhelmed? Me too. Honestly, I caught myself asking “what next”? This is not a question I tend to ask myself unless I am completely frustrated, because I believe in energetic laws of attraction, I don’t […]