

Don’t you hate being told to “take a deep breath!” Usually, when someone tells me this, it’s the absolute last thing I feel like doing. You’re angry, and you’re about to blow your top at someone (which you will later no doubt regret) and your breath comes in short shallow gasps. You are in fight

Breathe Read More »

“What can I do?”

When we are faced with challenges we often feel compelled to take action. When my husband died by suicide I found myself desperately asking, “what can I do?” My body was fueled by the hormones of stress and the disconnect of trauma, and it wanted action. You may notice feeling this way lately, when the

“What can I do?” Read More »

Happy Holidays? YES!

4 Steps to help you Focus On Joy So many stressors are threatening to interfere with the joy that holidays are meant to be. Some of us are going to be around family or travel for the first time is waaaay too long, and even though we love our families and miss our traditions, gathering

Happy Holidays? YES! Read More »

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