
Finding Peace Within

Hello My Friends, In all the chaos and unrest I had to take some time off to nurture myself and complete my recovery from COVID, so I haven’t written in awhile. My first bout of COVID was a doozy, I am still a little low energy, but I am hopeful my scheduled Fall Ayurvedic Cleanse

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A Camp for Widows

Last week I was honored to be a presenter at Camp Widow.  Just pause here for a second; what? Camp Widow? What is that? It takes a minute to even wrap your head around what those two words together mean.  What is Camp Widow? It is a weekend conference attended by 500 widowed people and

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Thank You for Reading!

I appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs over the years and hope you’ve received some great tips and tools for keeping yourself healthy and happy, and in balance. Focusing on resilience and joy is only part of my practice, however.  Much of my work with clients and groups is about recovering from

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Fix that “Bad” Day!

When more than a couple of things go wrong, do you ever catch yourself saying, “it’s just a bad day?” When that happens, do you notice the entire day just kind of stays sideways? Often intention-setting practices are done in the evening before bed or first thing in the morning to set up a successful

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Why Focus on Joy?

I remember the first time I felt joy after my mother died. She had battled leukemia for three and a half years before she died. On the day of her diagnosis, in December of 2003, my world went dark and stayed that way most of the time until she died. After her death, I was

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