
To Inhabit Joy means joy is an internal habit. You CAN choose, to live a joyful life regardless of your circumstances or experiences. Joy is internal and eternal, don't wait for an external source to bring you joy, turn inward to uncover the joyful being you already are!

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Yoga Offerings

Life happens...

Yoga is good for EVERY body!

Everyone can benefit a yoga practice. As long as you can breathe, you can yoga! Michelle offers a variety of yoga options to fit with exactly what you need. 
Adaptive Yoga, which is a hybrid chair yoga that also includes some standing poses using chairs for balance support.

Private Yoga is a great option if the group class option doesn’t work for you, or you have never tried yoga and have concerns about your personal health conditions, try a private session or series of yoga therapy sessions to mindfully bring yoga safely into your life.

Yoga, at your pace and level, helps calm and refresh your mind, improves sleep and digestion, strength, flexibility and balance.  

Still unsure? Contact Michelle for a free consultation!


Results you can expect from working with Michelle:

  • Improved sleep
  • Better digestion and mindful eating
  • Lighter mood and more energy
  • Stronger resilience
  • Calmer and kinder outlook
  • More joyful and vibrant living

Start feeling better now! Schedule a connection call to be on your way
to living your best life.


Grief Coaching

Grief can be a lonely journey filled with guilt and sorrow.
Sadly, even though it is something everyone goes through at some time in their lives, grief is not something we learn about or prepare for ahead of time.
Just like running a marathon, you need to train and be prepared or you struggle.
If you are grieving, and need some support, encouragement and someone to talk to that really gets it, give grief coaching a try.
After losing her mom through a grueling battle with leukemia, and 9 years later losing her second husband to suicide, Michelle went to work learning all she could about how yoga, meditation and mindfulness can support emotional resilience. Through training as a grief educator, Michelle has learned the language of grief, and how to offer foundational support to others who are going through grief.
It is possible to feel good again, as David Kessler, world renowned grief expert says, “to live fully, you need to grieve fully.”
Let Michelle support you through the process. Sign up for a free connection call and discover how Michelle can support you through this difficult time.

Inhabit Joy!

Life happens...

...and it can be a challenge. Every minute is precious. Don’t just get through it, GROW THROUGH IT! Find true inner bliss, not by waiting for people or things outside of you to make you happy, but by strengthening your resilience through practicing self-care and self-awareness. Bring yourself into balance and uncover your true joyful, healthy nature. Joy is internal and eternal, it’s time to uncover the joyful being that is already inside you!

Words of Praise

"I began working with Michelle after I experienced her teaching meditation and mindfulness at a women’s retreat. I was very anxious, worried about some health issues a family member was having. After just a few coaching sessions with Michelle, my life was completely changed. I felt empowered to take control of my emotions instead of letting them control me. I am able to focus on ease and joy, meditate regularly and overall just feel better. Thank you so much Michelle! I feel like whatever my next challenge is, I can handle it, and if I feel like it’s too much, I know you are the BEST resource to help me handle stress in a healthy way." --LL

"Michelle is my weekly burst of sunshine! When I felt discouraged after 15 years of practicing yoga because of my advancing multiple sclerosis, Michelle opened my eyes to the wonders of adaptive yoga and encouraged me to join her class. I'm now thriving in a beautiful new community of people like me who are buoyed by her trademark enthusiasm, patience and humor -- always underscored by her attention to our safety. With Michelle's gentle guidance, I am inspired and empowered to keep reaching for my edge, wherever it is, on any given day!" -- SS


"Michelle has a gift and a unique combination of skill, passion, and ability to connect even with skeptical clients going through a very difficult time in their lives.
Specifically, Michelle helped me relax, feel better about myself and the world around me. I have been able to sleep better, feel less stress and get in the best physical, emotional and spiritual shape of my life- and six months on I continue to utilize the meditation and gratitude practices she shared with me!
No matter what comes my way big or small or just everyday life challenges I am grateful for the tools I have learned and continue to practice and hone from Michelle’s expertise and caring. Thanks, Michelle you are the best! -- AR


Michelle is a thoughtful, attentive, and knowledgeable teacher. I have learned a lot from my yoga classes with her. She has helped me build strength and deepen my practice. She is very tuned into her student's struggles with injuries or physical problems. She has helped me manage and heal my own issues. I am very appreciative that I have had the opportunity to be her student. -- DE


I am feeling grateful today for many things…..among them is all you have given me since February when I started yoga. You radiate kindness and healing in every class. I have benefited from your presence. I believe all of your students have, as well. -- DH


To Relieve Stress and Suffering, Give Yourself the Present.

August 26, 2021

Our global community is under so much stress right now. Many of us can barely remember a time when we felt light and easy and weren’t suffering from uncertainty and fear.  As stress increases, we need to develop new self-care tools to stay healthy.  Mental and physical health needs to be prioritized like never before. […]

Fear Burnout

August 12, 2021

As Covid cases are on the rise again, many of us are feeling a new level of fear. If you live in Oregon, you are probably aware of the report that came out this week from Oregon Health and Sciences University, that predicted our hospitals will be more full by the end of August than […]

Sometimes the BEST thing you can do for your health is NOTHING!

July 29, 2021

Life has gotten busy again with the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and a global release of all of the pent-up energy to get going. Are you starting to feel a bit overwhelmed after what may have been the quietest year of your life? Many people are, and this is not good for your health! To […]

Your journey to optimal health and joy begins here:


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