DON’T FALL: Keeping your Balance During Seasonal Change

Through coaching and yoga therapy, I work with a lot of older or physically challenged students and clients, so using the word fall has a bit of a cringe for me. I prefer Autumn. However you refer to it, you may have noticed while we move into the cooler, windier months before winter you feel a little less grounded. Possibly you are suffering from anxiety, spacy-ness or just a general feeling of being unsettled. Welcome to Vata season. Vata is the Dosha or set of qualities that describes what is happening in the natural world right now. As the Earth leans away from the Sun in the northern hemisphere, we get colder and the air dries out, winds come up and, without awareness and focus on Vata balancing practice we can literally lose our balance. For a deeper understanding go here: Fall Gracefully into Balance

Recently my dog, Happy, had to undergo a procedure with anesthesia to remove three broken teeth. After recovering and coming home, she spent the next several days digging a hole in the yard and laying in it. Dogs can be so in touch with nature in a way we humans may not be. She was intentionally grounding herself in the healing powers of the earth’s energy. I loved this reminder, especially at this season, to go a little deeper for balance and healing.

Some ways to do this are mentioned in my previous blog linked above. If you want to go inward to really get in touch with a meditative grounding practice, listen to this short meditation: Vata Balancing Meditation for Staying Grounded

Attention to grounding practices in the Autumn will help you remain balanced, support your immune system and mood, and ensure you can tap into your resilience when you need it if the winds of Autumn knock you off course.

Of course I’m always here for you if you want to go deeper with these practices, feel free to contact me.



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